Wednesday, March 14, 2012

SMPS Lunch & Learn: No, You Haven’t Been Sold a Pig in a Poke – Social Media DOES Matter, Even to You!

A great many firms in the A/E/C industry use social media as part of their marketing and public relations effort. Some of these firms have actually developed a social media plan to guide their activities; others are just out there, “feeling” their way along; still others are waiting for some kind of metrics to tie social media activity to new projects or opportunities.

One of the big questions for an A/E/C firm contemplating the use of social media is whether or not they will realize measurable benefits from the time spent crafting, posting, reading and responding to these messages, or if they need to be there just because “every else is.” Helping to make the case that social media can yield measurable benefits for A/E/C firms is the fact that Escobar Construction is one of the winners of this year’s Austin American-Statesman Texas Social Media Awards.

If you haven't quite figured out how to get your arms around social communications, or whether it is really worth your time, let's get down to the brass tacks of what social media can and cannot do for your business. There are discussions, communities and referrals going on in the architecture, engineering, construction and similar B2B professions, but no one can be everywhere, all the time.

This program will address the potential benefits of using social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) that might be realized specifically by A/E/C industry firms, and how such benefits might be achieved. You will walk out of the session knowing which fork in the road to take!

Sheila Scarborough is a writer and speaker on social media. Although she specializes in tourism and travel, she has spoken on a social media panel for the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association’s annual conference. Sheila is a co-founder of Tourism Currents - online training in social media for destination marketing. She's on the National Board of Directors for the Association for Women in Communications (AWC) and will be the next Chair of Freelance Austin. A Navy veteran and a certified Navy Master Training Specialist, she's also an NHRA drag racing fan because there's one winner, one loser and no whining.

When: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Where: DPR Construction
9606 North MoPac (Loop 1), Suite 300, Austin, TX 78759

Attire: Business

Event Registration Fee:
Member: $20.00
Non-Member: $35.00

RSVP Monday, March 26, 2012

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