Monday, October 22, 2012

November Luncheon - The Austin Medical School: Potential Impacts for New Construction and Existing Facility Renovation Projects

Two important factors to improving our healthcare system lie in the training of new doctors and the facilities needed to support them. The Austin Medical School, when realized, will be a four-year institution with a focus on medical research, which could lead to quicker access to cutting-edge care for all Central Texans. Currently, Austin is the third largest metro area in the U.S. without a four-year medical school. If passed, Proposition 1 would bring us one step closer to making the Austin Medical School a reality.

So, what does this proposal mean for the A/E/C community? What are the potential opportunities for new medical construction and/or facility renovations, and how fast would these projects take to get moving? In addition to voting in the November 6 election, what else can the A/E/C community do to support this important initiative?

The SMPS Austin Chapter is extremely pleased to welcome two key proponents for the Austin Medical School, Senator Kirk Watson and Greg Hartman, to help answer these questions and more on November 5, 2012.

  • Greg Hartman, President and CEO, Seton Medical Center Austin; University Medical Center Brackenridge; and Network Communications, Advocacy and Marketing
  • Dr. Steve Leslie, Executive Vice President and Provost, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Peter Rieck, Vice President of Facilities & Support Services, Seton Healthcare
  • Dr. Kenneth Shine, Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, The University of Texas System
  • Dr. Steve Warach, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Seating is limited, so register early.


When: Monday, November 5, 2012 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Where: University of Texas Club - President's Room
2108 E. Robert Dedman Drive, Austin, Texas 78712

Attire:  Business

Event Registration Fees:
Member:  $35.00 for a limited time ( $45.00 original price)
Non-Member:  $50.00 for a limited time ( $60.00 original price)

RSVP Sunday, November 4, 2012

1 comment:

  1. The Austin Medical School, when realized, will be a four-year institution with a focus on medical research, which could lead to quicker access to cutting-edge care for all Central Texans. Autoclave
